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01937 832 740
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Children's Mental Health Week-What is it?
Children's Mental Health Week, taking place the 5th-11th February, is a mental health awareness week that empowers, equips and gives a voice to all children and young people in the UK.
Fun Christmas Facts to Impress your Class!
Christmas is an exciting time of year in every classroom, but there are so many things children don't know about Christmas. Why not widen their minds with your knowledge and teach them these festive facts. You could even have a quiz to make it extra fun!
People have been sending Christmas cards since 1843
Christmas songs for your classroom
Christmas is a wonderful time in any classroom, full of festive activities, films and even music! You might not be putting on a festive show this year, but that doesn't mean you don't want to teach your class some festive songs! Check out just some of our favourites below: