Mental Health Awareness Month


May is Mental Health Awareness Month, to honour that we have compiled the following blog which looks at current facts and statistics about mental health specifically in children, as well as information about activities you can use both in the classroom and at home to introduce mindfulness and positive wellbeing.

In the last three years, the likelihood of young people having a mental health problem has increased by 50%. Now, five children in a classroom of 30 are likely to have a mental health problem. There is an average 10 year delay between young people displaying first symptoms and getting help.

Activities for the classroom

  • Things that make me feel…

With your pupils, explore the all the emtions which they are familiar with, as well as some they may not fully understand. When have they experienced these emotions? What can help us deal with this emotion? When did that emotion change to a different emotion?

  • Go home laughing

It is important that children remember their day at school in a positive light. At the end of the day ask the children to share something they have found funny today, this will hopefully help them look back on the day in a positive light and go home laughing.

  • Gratitude Jar

Take an empty Jar and turn it in to the Gratitude Jar. Ask the children to write down things they are grateful for throughout the week. This can be a small but impactful activity, encouraging the children to think positively about each day.

Or why not bring us in to deliver one of our many workshops about Mental Health and Mindfulness.

Activities for at home

  • Breathing Exercises

It is easy for everybody, especially children, to get caught up in the emotions of the moment. Breathing exercises can be a great tool for children to become more present in the moment and reflect on their emotions.

  • Stress balls and sensory toys

Some children may prefer to relieve stress with tangible objects; stress balls or other sensory toys can be a great way to do this. They can be a distraction, or something for them to take their stress out on.

  • Journaling

Children can often struggle to communicate verbally how they feel, journaling may be a way for them to express their feelings in a way that suits them. If they are not able to write, they could draw their emotions and thoughts with crayons. This can get them out of their head and able to think through their emotions in a constructive way.


Statistic and activities have been taken from the following sources:
